AGV's and AMR's

AGV's and AMR's

R. DeVault on 24th Feb 2023

In recent years, the rise of automation and robotics has revolutionized many industries, including manufacturing, logistics, and warehousing. One of the most significant innovations in this field is the use of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs). 

AGVs and AMRs are robotic systems designed to move materials and products within a facility without human intervention. They are used to transport goods from one location to another, typically within a warehouse or manufacturing plant. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at these two technologies, their differences, and how they are being used in various industries. 

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs):

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are mobile robots that are designed to move along pre-defined paths or routes within a facility. They use a variety of guidance systems, including magnetic tape, RFID tags, or laser guidance to navigate. AGVs can be programmed to perform various tasks, such as picking up and dropping off products, transporting raw materials to assembly lines, or moving finished products to storage areas. 

AGVs are typically designed to move heavy loads, making them ideal for applications that require frequent material handling, such as automotive manufacturing, food and beverage production, and pharmaceuticals. They are also useful in applications where safety is critical, as they can be designed with built-in safety sensors to avoid collisions with people or other equipment. 

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs): 

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) are similar to AGVs in that they are mobile robots designed to move within a facility. However, unlike AGVs, AMRs are not limited to pre-defined paths or routes. Instead, they use advanced sensors, such as cameras, lidar, and sonar, to navigate around obstacles and avoid collisions. 

AMRs are highly flexible and adaptable, making them ideal for applications where the layout of the facility changes frequently. They can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks, such as transporting materials, picking up and delivering products, and even interacting with humans in a collaborative work environment. 

AGVs vs. AMRs: What's the Difference? 

While AGVs and AMRs have many similarities, there are also some key differences between the two technologies. Here are some of the main differences: 


AGVs are typically limited to pre-defined paths or routes, while AMRs can navigate around obstacles and adjust their route as needed. 


AMRs are more flexible and adaptable than AGVs, as they can be reprogrammed to perform different tasks and adjust to changes in the facility layout. 


AGVs are typically less expensive than AMRs, as they are designed for specific tasks and do not require as much advanced technology for navigation. 


AGVs are designed to transport heavy loads, while AMRs are typically used for lighter loads. 

Applications of AGVs and AMRs:

AGVs and AMRs are being used in a wide range of industries and applications, including:


AGVs and AMRs are used to transport raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished products between manufacturing processes, reducing the need for human intervention and increasing efficiency. 


AGVs and AMRs are used to transport products and materials within a warehouse, reducing the need for manual labor and improving inventory management. 


AGVs and AMRs are used to transport supplies and equipment within hospitals and clinics, reducing the risk of infection and freeing up staff to focus on patient care. 


AMRs are being used in retail environments to restock shelves, guide customers to products, and provide real-time inventory tracking. 


AGVs and AMRs are two innovative technologies that are transforming the way we move materials and products within facilities. While they have some similarities, such as their ability to automate material. handling